What is it?
Gardens for Health and Healing (GHH) is a community-based research project to bring home gardens to households in Albany County and to design and test the best ways to measure any impacts of those gardens on the health of individuals living with multiple chronic health conditions.
Who is involved?
GHH is a partnership between the University of Wyoming and Feeding Laramie Valley. Christine M. Porter at UWyo is Principal Investigator. Gayle M. Woodsum at FLV is Co- Investigator. Program Coordinators are Lina Dunning from FLV and Rachel Budowle from UWyo.
Funding for this project comes from a UW INBRE award supported by grants from the National Center for Research Resources (5P20RR016474-12) and the National Institute of General Medical Sciences (8 P20 GM 103432-12) from the National Institutes of Health.
Project Goals
Provide home gardens and gardening support to 10 Albany County residents living with multiple chronic health conditions.
Provide guidance and regular check-ins for 10 Albany County residents living with multiple chronic health conditions to determine their own health goals and design a menu of health and wellness programs, such as intensive gardening support; harvest, cooking and preservation classes; increased food access through food shares and other programs; general health and wellness activities, such as yoga and fitness classes; a mix of any of these programs; or any other programs that could plausibly improve health and wellbeing.
Work with the community to design the best ways to measure the impact of choice on health and wellbeing.
Use findings to design a larger, more wide- reaching study that would provide community health and wellness support for more people in the future!
What Does the Program Include?
GHH participants choose from a variety of health and wellness programs that are intended to improve the health and wellbeing of each individual. Programs include:
Gardens: includes all materials, mentorship, and support to install and maintain a successful garden.
Farm to Plate: support and education for harvesting, preservation workshops, and cooking in season.
Food Access: improves access to nutritious, tasty, and culturally appropriate food.
Physical Activity: group or individual exercise that accommodates the health and impact needs of each participant.
General Wellness: activities that reduce stress and improve wellbeing.